Administration & Trustees

Kevin W. Cox
Kevin is currently serving his fourth term as a Perry Township Trustee. During Kevin’s terms he has been actively involved in the Lima Allen County Regional Planning and the Ottawa River Coalition. He is the adviser for the Perry Blue Ribbon 4-H club and is also a co-founder and member of the Perry Township Historical Society. Kevin is the vice chairman for the Allen County Township Association. He also serves as the Chairman for the Allen County Township Association Health Board.
Term of Office: January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2023
Education: Graduated from Perry High School 1974, 4 years Apprenticeship with Local #41 Heat and Frost Insulation Association
Occupation: Insulation and sheet metal fabricator and applicator, Kevin has worked in various locations through Ohio and Indiana as a General Foreman for 18 years, Coordinator and teacher of apprenticeship program for 18 years – Kevin retired after 32 years of service, Family farm in Perry Township.
Married: Sue – 47 years.
Children: Schalet, Bryon, Jonathon, and Mallory. They also enjoy their grandchildren and great grandchildren.
- [email protected]
- 419-303-6810

Gregory J. Kessen
Greg is currently serving his fourth term as Perry Township Trustee. He truly enjoys representing our township as a trustee and appreciates your vote of confidence. Greg currently sits on the Allen Water District board of trustees, as a representative for the township. He also works with Allen County Regional Planning sitting on the boards of, Community Development Committee, and Transportation Advisory Committee. While working with these agencies, this allows Perry Township opportunities to expand utilities, develop our township and a voice to maintain safe travel for our residents.
Term of Office: January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2025
Education: Perry High School Graduate “1978”
Occupation: Retired after 42 years working as pipefitter/laborer in construction industry.
Married: Laura for 42 years.
Children: Justin and Megan, with 7 grandchildren.
Greg and Laura attend New Life Christian Ministries.
- [email protected]
- 419-234-5082

Larry A. Sidener
Larry is in his first term as a trustee having previously served the district as school board member in the 80’s. A Perry resident since grade school, Larry continues a long Sidener family heritage as a landowner and part time farmer in our township dating back to the earliest days of Perry Township. His concern for the land and our surroundings is his driving force for serving as a trustee.
Term of Office: Sworn in January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2025
Education: Graduated from Perry High School in 1968; Associate Degree in Quality Engineering from Lima Technical College in 1992. Associate Degree in Industrial Engineering from Lima Technical College in 1999.
Occupation: Retired after 30 years from Scot Lad Foods/Roundy’s in Lima; Worked for the United States Census Bureau from 2010 to 2012; Now works part time with his son for South Warsaw Farms.
Married: Debbie for 54 years.
Children: Amy, Tara, and Marc
Grandchildren: 12 grandchildren
Larry and Debbie have attended Lima Community Chruch since 1992.
- [email protected]
- 419-234-5122

Christina Stombaugh
Fiscal Officer
Christina (Chris) is in her first term as an Appointed Fiscal Officer starting April 1, 2024. She has been an Allen County resident most of her life. Her husband’s family have been lifelong residents of Perry Township and her and her husband have owned property in Perry Township since 2004. She is looking forward to serving the Township as the Fiscal Officer.
Term of Office: Sworn in April 1, 2024, through March 31, 2027
Education: Graduated from Lima Senior High School, 1988.
Occupation: She has worked as a Tax Preparer and at Financial Institutions for more than 20 years. Married: Jason for 19 years
Children: Hunter and Cole
Grandchildren: 6 grandchildren
- [email protected]
- 419-204-8241